SCHLOSS Zermatt Sport Hotel Winter8 SCHLOSS Zermatt Hotel1SCHLOSS Zermatt Hotel2Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Salt Room 03Schloss Zermatt Schlossyoga 07Schloss Zermatt Breakfast 321A8820 HorizontalSCHLOSS Zermatt Sport Hotel Winter20

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5% Direct booker discount, breakfast, welcome gift & tea time, FREE fitness & yoga classes

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Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Salt Room 01
Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Pool 01
Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Finnish Sauna 03
Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Steam Bath 01
Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Relaxing Room 01
Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Lounge 01
Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Treatment 02
Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Refreshment Corrner 01

CBD & Adaptogenic Spa
Recovery in every sense

Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Relaxing Room 02

TO The MOMent

Leave the world behind, loosen up the body, free the mind.

Everything in the CBD & Adaptogenic Spa is centred around the safe and natural plant extracts of CBD and vital mushrooms. These realign your body’s homeostasis (balance) and illicit deeper moments of calm.

Treatment-wraps will moisturise, purify and refresh - all while a floating bed leaves you in a state of weightlessness and ease. Massages will reactivate and regenerate. Facials, manicures and pedicures will get you glowing.

opening hours

Open daily from midday until 9pm to guests aged 16+.
The pool and textile sauna is open to children accompanied by an adult. 

Not a guest? Not a problem! To the information.



Beauty treatments

Herbar: "Science-backed. Mushroom-led." Adaptogens and fungi work as an armour against stress, with Herbar harnessing their powers to rebalance the body. Adaptogens are completely safe, have no adverse physical response, and generate an ideal restorative treatment. Through our use of Herbar’s time-proven plant powerhouses, bodies expand, transform and uplift. Both inside and out.

Body treatments & massages

Kiara Naturals grows, harvests, and extracts only the highest-quality plants for the oils and remedies that we use in treatments and massages. These products promote the recovery process in a natural way, stimulate the body’s self-regulatory powers and defences, and bring destabilised systems back into their natural balance.

Schloss Zermatt Spa 321A9130
Signature Treatment

Just Chill

Curious about CBD? Our signature treatment is an 80-minute combo to fire up every sense: touch, smell, sight, sound and taste. Pick between a relaxing or activating treatment, then let the sensation of CBD take over from your head to your toes.

What? Why? How?
CBD: the facts...

What is CBD? 01

CBD is the acronym for cannabidiol, which is a cannabinoid. CBD is a hemp-derived, non-psychoactive natural product. This means it’s not intoxicating, does not make you drowsy, and is fully legal. It has a calming, anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic (muscle-soothing) effect. Unlike the well-known cannabinoid THC, CBD is not psychoactive.

What are the effects of CBD? 02

CBD is relaxing, soothing and anti-inflammatory. Many use it for sleep or stress-related issues, and 1000s of studies have shown CBD’s high medicinal potential (there are areas where CBD has already been medically and therapeutically implemented). We use CBD oil in our treatments, CBD herbs in the sauna, and CBD herbal teas that promote relaxation.

Do CBD products have an intoxicating effect? 03

No. CBD is not intoxicating and is considered non-psychoactive. This is unlike THC which is both intoxicating and psychoactive. We never use THC.

Is CBD legal? 04

Yes - it’s legal in Switzerlands and, from our knowledge, in most countries assuming it’s derived from hemp. This is because, unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effect. There are both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products that contain CBD.

Can I have a treatment/massage without CBD? 05

Yes, of course. We can carry out any treatment or massage using our range of CBD-free oils and products that can either invigorate or relax.

What are cannabinoids? 06

Cannabinoids are natural constituents and active ingredients of the hemp plant. They occur in the blossoms (these yield the highest concentration of cannabinoids), leaves and stems of the hemp plant. There are also synthetic cannabinoids, however the CBD used in Kiara products are exclusively plant-based.

What is hemp? 07

Hemp is an age-old healing plant. Since 3000 BC, hemp has been cultivated for its valuable plant parts. Textiles, sails, rope and paper are produced from its fibres, while its seeds are pressed into cooking oil for a high content of valuable fatty acids. The seeds can also be directly consumed.

What is hemp used for? 08

In folk medicine, the hemp blossom and leaf have been used as a remedy against all kinds of diseases and ailments as well as a basis for the distillation of essential oils. These can, for example, be used in aromatherapy or in the production of perfumes and cosmetic products.

Untitled Design (21)
Bringing adaptogens

back into beauty

Adaptogens are an organic superpower. Rich in antioxidants, they’re the new-but-old must-try skincare product. Here’s why… "Adaptogens are a group of non-toxic and non-harm plants and plant-based extracts that adapt the body to physical, biological and chemical stressors, rebalancing our body’s cortisol hormone levels and HPA axis. In the words of Catarina Oliveira, co-founder at our partners Herbar: “HPA is a Hypothalamic, Pituitary and Adrenal Gland communication that allows our body to have a better response to stress.”

What? Why? How?
Adaptogens: the facts...

What are adaptogens? 01

Adaptogens are non-toxic, non-harmful and life-enhancing plants used to help the body resist physical, biological or chemical stressors. As Dr. Frank Lipman, an expert in functional and integrative medicine, says: “Adaptogens improve the health of your adrenal system, the system that’s in charge of managing your body’s hormonal response to stress.”

How do adaptogens work? 02

Adaptogens can fight oxidative stress, increase your focus, halt cellular aging, and optimise cognition. Their botanicals can detect a body’s individual deficits or spikes and thus tailor the deployment of their powerful properties depending on what that specific body needs. This brings you back into the balance your body craves.

What are functional mushrooms? 03

Functional mushrooms have been used in Eastern cultures and non-allopathic medicine for centuries. They contain beta-glucans, omega fatty acids, and ceramides which help build up the skin’s moisture barrier. They prevent water loss and keep hydration within the skin, all while increasing the longevity, look and health of our dermis.

How can adaptogens improve skin? 04

Adaptogens have been used for centuries - especially in traditional Chinese medicine - and are effective in reducing fatigue, improving immunity, and even treating anaemia. When applied to skincare, they are equally versatile.
Adaptogens are proven to facilitate detoxification and hydration of the dermis at a sub-topical level. As an example, Herbar’s Face Oil uses three hero adaptogens in its formulation to soothe inflammation, enhance elasticity, and fortify skin.

What adaptogens should I try? 05

Four main mushroom ingredients are used across the different products that we use in our CBD & Adaptogenic Spa.

  1. Reishi mushroom: often used to reduce skin inflammation, puffiness, and signs of ageing. Also promotes cell regeneration.
  2. Tremella mushroom: known as ‘the beauty mushroom’, it can plump the skin and enhance its elasticity by drawing moisture from the environment, or from the deeper layers of the skin.
  3. Turkey tail: loaded with antioxidants, turkey tail combats environmental stress to promote a youthful and smooth complexion. Abundant in bioactive compounds like polysaccharides and flavonoids, turkey tail actively supports the skin's radiance and resilience.
  4. Matsutake mushroom: this Japanese delicacy boasts a myriad of benefits for your skin. Overflowing with precious compounds like polysaccharides - including β-glucan - the matsutake mushroom can reduce wrinkles by inhibiting the breakdown of the extracellular matrix.
Everything you need to know about adaptogens 06

Want to see how magic these functional mushrooms can be? Come see us in our CBD & Adaptogenic Spa which is open to both guests and visitors.

Are adaptogens and functional mushrooms safe? 07

Our partners at Herbar use Tremella, Reishi and Cordyceps Militaris mushrooms in its products, as well as Da Zao (an adaptogenic herb), Eleuthero Root and Rhodiola Rosea. These are non-toxic and non-harmful.

Schloss Zermatt Spa 321A9199

What’s in the CBD & Adaptogenic Spa?
Our Top Ten


The ancient and medical plant of hemp brings a new dimension to relaxation, with its aromas infusing the sauna’s moderate temperature of 60 degrees (and 40-60% humidity) to create the ideal atmosphere for your body and mind.

Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Steam Bath 02

What’s in the CBD & Adaptogenic Spa?
Our Top Ten


Warm vapours open the pores and your breathing. The moist heat of 45-48 degrees (and 98% humidity) works to cleanse and tone the skin, while helping to reduce system-wide inflammation.

Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Steam Bath 01

What’s in the CBD & Adaptogenic Spa?
Our Top Ten


Given its milder heat, this is a place to stay a while. Inspired by the spa habits of ancient Romans, the Mediterranean Bath brings about slow sweating to improve sleep quality, skin elasticity, and the elimination of metabolic waste.

Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Finnish Sauna 01

What’s in the CBD & Adaptogenic Spa?
Our Top Ten


After a day of action, the Finnish Sauna’s dry heat, combined with a cooling-off session, will help stimulate circulation, reactivate your metabolism, and boost the immune system. As you relax, tingling sensations will pass throughout the body.

Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Steam Bath Mediterranean Bath Waterparadise 01

What’s in the CBD & Adaptogenic Spa?
Our Top Ten


Switch between side jets or tropical downpours, summer storm or therapeutic cold infused with CBD, varying intensities and changing mood lights. This is one to mobilise your senses and go big on bliss.

Schlossspa Ice Room 01 Horizontal

What’s in the CBD & Adaptogenic Spa?
Our Top Ten


Used in tandem with our hotter rooms, when you quickly cool heated muscles your pores and arteries contract to re-energise the skin’s cells and strengthen your immune system. This is a tried-and-tested method for muscle recovery.

Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Salt Room 02

What’s in the CBD & Adaptogenic Spa?
Our Top Ten


First you stimulate, then you rest. To get the most out of our saunas, and optimise your body’s regeneration, it’s best to alternate between hot and cold environments. Enter the Salt Relaxation Room where you can do the latter surrounded by the right balance of warmth, light and minerals.

Schlossspa Hemp Sauna 0 Horizontal

What’s in the CBD & Adaptogenic Spa?
Our Top Ten


Situated in the pool zone, and open to children accompanied by an adult, a more moderate 45 degrees stimulates the metabolism, tones the skin, and improves physical and mental wellbeing. Unlike other areas in the spa, swimsuits are allowed.

Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Pool 01

Swimming Pool & Jacuzzi

Unwind in the water.

Our 12.5-metre indoor pool is a place for both lengths and lounging. Recline on our integrated Jacuzzi beds at a warming 28-30 degrees, or take a break by the pool-side loungers. The pool is open everyday from 6am to 10pm.

Not a guest? Not a problem.
Come on in...

Guests get free and unlimited use of the CBD & Adaptogenic Spa, but we're also open to those not staying the night. Anyone can book a treatment or massage here and, with a minimum spend of CHF 120, non-staying guests can use the spa facilities for an additional CHF 20. This includes a bathrobe, towels, slippers and refreshments.


Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Salt Room 04
Schloss Zermatt Schlossspa Refreshment Corrner 01

Your therapists
Teams win

Schloss Zermatt Therapist MarcelaSchloss Zermatt Therapist Elisa Dsc 4084
Marcela Read

I’m a qualified beautician, holistic Ayurvedic technician, masseuse, and certified yoga teacher.

I love chatting with guests and sharing my knowledge of how to heal, regenerate, and form good habits.

My passion for snowboarding, kitesurfing and yoga has led me to travel extensively and host kite camps and Ayurveda yoga retreats across Asia.

Elisa Read

I’m a qualified beautician specialising in massages, body and facial spa treatments.

I’ve always loved making people feel good. This love inspired me to get my beautician diploma in Italy and travel the world doing this for a living.

Outside of the spa you’ll find me in nature: hiking, meditating, working with crafts or listening to music.